In his accounts belonging to 7th century AD, Hiuen Tsang talked about ten Buddhist monasteries flourishing in Onantopulo, or Anandpura, the ancient name of Vadnagar in Gujarat.
मप्र के शिवपुरी जिले में है सारनाथ के धमेक स्तूप की तरह का प्राचीन स्तूप Ajay Suryawanshi मप्र के शिवपुरी जिला मुख्यालय से 72 किमी दूर खनियाधाना तहसील में 2300 वर्ष से अधिक पुराना प्राचीन बौध्द स्तूप भग्नावस्था में अब भी बुधोन राजापुर गाँव मे खड़ा है ।गाँव के नाम से ही परिलक्षित होता है कि गांव का का भगवान बुद्ध के नाम से अवश्य ही कुछ संबंध है । स्तूप कई दिनों तक अनदेखी और बदहाली का शिकार रहा तथा स्थानीय गांववाले इसे "कुटिया मठ 'के नाम से जानते है ।अब यह पुरातत्व विभाग के अधीन है । रन्नौद से 12 किमी दूर चलकर यहां पहुंचा जा सकता है ।खनियाधाना- ईसागढ़ रोड से सरस्वती गांव होकर अथवा खनियाधाना- रन्नौद मार्ग से धपहेरा गाँव होकर भी यहां पहुंचा जा सकता है । स्तूप की ईंटों,उसकी सरंचना शैली और उसके स्थापत्य को देखकर इसका स्पष्ट अनुमान लगाया जा सकता है कि इसका निर्माण सम्राट अशोक द्वारा ही किया गया होगा ।यह बिल्कुल सारनाथ के धमेक स्तूप की। तरह है । बौद्ध वैभव काल की समाप्ति के बाद कई दिनों तक उपेक्षा ,गुमनानी और बदहाली में पड़े रहने के बावजूद सैकड़ों वर्षों तक मौसम,आँधी-तूफान के थपेड़े झेलक...
MIGRATIONS | HISTORY & CULTURE New reports clearly confirm ‘Arya’ migration into India Tony Joseph SEPTEMBER 13, 2019 17:38 IST UPDATED: SEPTEMBER 14, 2019 09:07 IST The Arya were central Asian Steppe pastoralists who arrived in India between roughly 2000 BCE and 1500 BCE, and brought Indo-European languages to the subcontinent The last time a paper titled ‘The Genomic Formation of South and Central Asia’ was released online, in March 2018, it created a sensation in India and around the world. Mostly because the paper, co-authored by 92 scientists, many of them doyens of different disciplines, said that between 2000 BCE and 1000 BCE, there were significant migrations from the Central Asian Steppe that most likely brought Indo-European languages into India — just as Steppe migrations into Europe a thousand years earlier, beginning around 3000 BCE, had spread Indo-European languages to that continent as well. In other words, the paper supported the long-held idea of an ‘A...
Sultanganj Buddha statue. the largest substantially complete copper Buddha figure known from the time. The statue is dated to between 500 and 700 AD . The Sultanganj Buddha was cast in pure, unrefined copper by the cire perdue, or lost wax, technique. Inside there is a clay body. Statue found in 1861 during the construction of the East Indian Railway. It is now in the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, Birmingham, England. E. B. Harris, the railway engineer who discovered the Buddha during excavations that he carried out on ancient remains near the Sultanganj station that he was constructing, published a detailed account of his work, complete with a site plan and photographs. He describes finding the right foot of the Buddha ten feet under the surface, beneath a floor he considered to have been used to conceal the statue after it had been toppled from its former place. Harris sent the statue to Birmingham, the cost of its transport to England being paid by Samuel Thornton, a Birmingham...
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